Monday, December 30, 2019

Immigrants--Not Existing U.S. Citizens--Must Adapt!

“An upfront heads-up”—some may be offended or otherwise pissed-off by this posting.  If you are among the so distraught, one can still choose to try on some adult pants and consider this posting with an open and rational mind, or, simply just spend your reading time elsewhere.

In any case, before anyone gets their panties in a wad, it is worth noting that . . . as with most if not all U.S. citizens . . . our family’s ancestors also came here from other countries.  Ancestors who learned the U.S. common-language (English), were grateful for the opportunity, worked hard, and didn’t trash America.  Ancestors who became U.S. citizens, were “proud” to be one, some served in the military, some contributed otherwise!  All benefiting from liberty and freedom unique only to this best hope for humankind . . . The United States of America!

And worth repeatingour U.S. common-language is “English” . . . not Spanish, Lebanese, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, etc.  So, if you wish to become a U.S. citizen . . . not only “learn,” but also “use” English.

Clearly, I and likeminded others have no problem with anyone coming to the U.S. “legally,” with the aim of making a good life for themselves and their family.  BUT, if you are coming here with the expectations that we accept and become what you just came from, then that’s simply not happening!  So, if assimilating (adapting) our U.S. common culture is not your aim, please timely return to your country of origin and focus your efforts on making it a better place to live and take pride in.

And to Muslims and others who wish to live under Islamic Sharia law—you need to timely exit the United States, because Sharia law and our U.S. Constitution cannot co-exist!  While taking due heed that our U.S. common-culture was and remains founded on Judeo-Christian values . . . which, again, cannot co-exist with liberty/freedom-destroying Sharia law.  This not being some Christian, right wing, political pitch, but indisputable and unnegotiable fact!  And one certainly appropriate to display it on the walls of our schools and other public institutions.

So, if you are offended by "unalienable (God-given) rights," the "U.S. Pledge of Allegiance," and the “foundation blocks” of this great nation (i.e., our U.S. Constitution, secured borders, common-language English, and common-culture founded on Judeo-Christian values) . . . then you need to ASAP set your sights on some other part of the world.  Because it is you, and not we the legal, patriotic, U.S. citizens, who must do the “adapting.

Friday, December 20, 2019


As recently reported by various media (and soon smothered by nation-wide trivia): At about 6:30 A.M. Central Time, Friday, December 6, 2019, a Saudi aviator in training pulled out a handgun in a classroom at the Naval Air Station, Pensacola, Florida, and opened fire, killing three and injuring eight.

A heinous act carried out before the murderer being fatally shot by one of two Escambia County sheriff’s deputies, reportedly arriving on scene in less than five minutes. The murderer, identified as Mohammed Saeed Alshamrani, a member of the Saudi military, was one of some 852 Saudi nationals being trained in the United States as part of a Pentagon security cooperation agreement with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Alshamrani reportedly began his three-year course in August 2017, in studies including English, basic aviation and pilot training. Reportedly, this barbaric atrocity is currently being investigated by the FBI as a suspected “terrorist act”.

TEN YEARS EARLIER . . . On November 5, 2009, at Fort Hood Military Base, Texas, Nidal Malik Hasan, a U.S. Army major and psychiatrist, mass-murdered 13 people and wounded some 32 others. Hasan admitted carrying out this unspeakable act; a jury panel of 13 officers convicted him of 13 counts of premeditated murder, 32 counts of attempted murder, and unanimously recommended that he be formally dismissed from the Army and sentenced to death. Although the Army irresponsibly failed to charge him with “terrorism”, and the Department of Defense (DoD) disgustingly classified his mass murders as “workplace violence”—a subsequently-released Senate report described this atrocity as “the worst terrorist attack on U.S. soil since September 11, 2001”.

Nevertheless, as of this 12/20/2019 posting—approaching some six years after his conviction—Hasan is still alive! Yes, this self-admitted, convicted-killer; this despicable coward who proudly massacred his “unarmed” military peers and other victims; this—by any reasonable standard—“terrorist”; this scourge on mankind, described by his military peers as “anti-American”; this prime example of radical/militant Islam—is still alive!

Incarcerated on military death row at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas at U.S. taxpayers’ expense—as mandatory appeal stages that typically could take up to 10 to 15 years are carried out by appellate court “reviews” of his case. With, ultimately, a military death sentence reportedly requiring final approval by the U.S. President. All representing an unconscionable insult to any resemblance of justice on behalf of those he murdered and injured and their loved ones.

And, to date, there is no visible citizen-outrage, no marching in the streets in protest, and no actions being taken to give our military personnel the option to carry a sidearm on our military bases in self-defense against such terrorist acts! We are too consumed with “hurt feelings,” “care of illegal aliens on U.S. soil,” “political correctness,” “safe-spaces on our college campuses,” “climate change,” “ignoring our out of control National Debt,” etc., etc., etc.

“Why?” should be the unrelenting question ringing in the ears of not only the President, Congress, and our military leaders—but, also in the ears of the seemingly unconcerned throughout the rest of us.

The barbaric atrocities mentioned within this posting are haunting reminders that must not be silenced until true justice is served! Justice that also includes a long-past-due repeal of a related 26-year-old Department of Defense (DOD) Policy! An irresponsible policy that is clearly a major contributing factor in not only the massacres at Fort Hood and Pensacola Naval Air Station, but elsewhere. Reportedly, a policy originally-approved by President Clinton upon taking office in 1993, and, left in place by President Bush, President Obama, and (so far) by President Trump.

DOD Regulations creating “gun free zones” on various military bases and installations, and forbidding military personnel from carrying their personal firearms, etc. Policies removing the right of personal-protection and self-defense from our military men and women—the same people we put in harms-way to protect us and others. We trust them to put their life and limbs at risk on our behalf, but not to routinely carry a self-defense sidearm on a military base? What an irresponsible and potentially life-threatening way to say, “Thank you for your service!”

Further evidence of the irresponsible failings of the DOD’s “gun free zones” policies is offered by way of the below “copy” of related correspondence sent to my Kansas representatives in Washington, August 6, 2015:

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August 6, 2015

Dear Representative Jenkins,
Dear Senator Roberts,
Dear Senator Moran,

In June, 2009, Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad killed 1 and injured another at a recruiting station in Little Rock, Arkansas...

In November, 2009, Nidal Malik Hasan killed 13 and injured 32 at the Soldier Readiness Center in Fort Hood, Texas...

In September, 2013, Aaron Alexis killed 12 and injured 3 at Navy Yard in Washington, DC...

In April, 2014, Ivan A. Lopez killed 3 and injured 16 marking the second mass-shooting in Fort Hood, Texas...

In July, 2015, Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez killed 5 and injured 2 at a recruiting center in Chattanooga, Tennessee...

These things stated, allow me to note that every one of these tragedies were facilitated by the federal policy that mandates ‘Gun-Free Zones’ at bases and other military workplaces.

Seeing that "Gun-Free Zones" have consistently failed -- and at the expense of many American lives -- I urge you to work with your colleagues to eliminate the "Gun-Free Zones" currently existing at military establishments.

Fact is, "Gun-Free Zones" are nothing more than "Free-Fire Zones" for predators and terrorists.

Furthermore, rumors are circulating that our U.S. Navy may charge Lieutenant Commander (LCDR) Timothy White for “illegally” using his sidearm against Mohammed Abdulazeez – the terrorist who opened fire at a recruiting station and reserve training center in Chattanooga, Tennessee, July 2015. As demonstrated patriots of this great nation, you clearly recognize that any such action against LCDR White would be an outrageous injustice and a devastating and demoralizing insult to our past, present, and future military personnel. LCDR should be awarded an appropriate Letter and Medal of Commendation for his courageous act—not disrespectful hassle from the country he serves.

Please take immediate action on this.


William James Moore
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“I ask, Sir, what is the militia? It is the whole people. To disarm the people is the best and most effectual way to enslave them.” —George Mason, Co-author of the Second Amendment.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

A "Few" Words About "Serving The People"

From around 1789 to 1815, Members of our U.S. Congress received a daily honoraria payment of about $6 while in session; and from 1818 to 1855, about $8 per day . . . again, “while in session.” With, back then, Congress typically in session legislating a few months each year, given that America’s Founding Fathers envisioned that being a Member of Congress would be a “part-time” job.

However, let us now do a bit of fast-forwarding to more recent times:

Today, a Speaker of the House, such as Nancy Pelosi, receives an annual salary of about
$223,500. With the standard salary for a Member of Congress being about $174,000 per year. Members of Congress also receive a pension for up to 80 percent of their salary depending on how long they’ve “served.” They also become eligible for a pension after just five years in office. They can also earn outside income up to 15 percent of their salary. And, they receive more than $10,000 in subsidies from the taxpayers to help pay for health insurance. Therefore, the total pay and benefit package for a rank-and-file Member of U.S. Congress is estimated to be worth at least $200,000 per year . . . putting every Member of Congress in the top 3 percent of Americans based on income.

Our U.S. Congress typically schedules about 124 days of legislating per year, compared to the average American worker who works about 240 days per year. Therefore, Members of Congress are actually in Washington working just about half time . . . about 2.4 days per week.

However, Members of Congress say they actually work very hard because even though they only work 2.4 days per week on Congressional business in Washington, they must spend another 2.6 days (or more) meeting with constituents and raising money for re-election campaigns.

Nonetheless, being a Member of U.S. Congress, or a top Congressional staffer, can be a ticket to becoming fabulously wealthy as a lobbyist. And, according to, some 427 former Members of Congress are now corporate lobbyists. In addition, almost 5,400 former Congressional staffers have left Capitol Hill to become federal lobbyists in just the recent 10 years. One report found that Members of Congress get a 1,452% pay raise on average when they become lobbyists. Former Congressman Billy Tauzin as just one example, was reportedly paid almost $5 Million per year to lobby for drug companies.

Is it any wonder, therefore, that a century ago, Washington, D.C. was a relatively small and sleepy town. Whereas, today, the Washington D.C. area has an estimated population of 6,000,000 and is the fastest growing and richest metropolitan area in America! And, of the top 10 richest counties in America, six are in the Washington, D.C. suburbs!

Likewise, is it any wonder, therefore, when concerned, fed-up, clear-thinking, patriotic American citizens elect a U.S. President to “drain the swamp” . . . that there has been, since day one of his (President Trump’s) presidency, an unrelenting and incessant cry and undertaking for “impeachment” from and by America’s most threatening enemy from within! From and by a “deep state” of corrupt and self-serving “politicians and unelected bureaucrats” hell-bent to maintain the status-quo! Under the insulting and nation-destructive pretense of “serving the people.”

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Source/Reference: The Conservative Caucus (a project of Americans for Constitutional Liberty).