Wednesday, March 20, 2019

The Ever-Growing Arsenal of the Radical Political-Left

The Radical-Left’s U.S./liberty-destroying arsenal continues to be ever-growing. Among their latest sought after weapons—a voting age lowered to 16.

You know . . . that once assumed “impervious” and “knowing-it-all” age, when I (and likely a sizable number of others) were actually consumed with terminal cluelessness and an overabundance of often publicly revealed irresponsibility. That exceptionally hormone-driven stage of youth; “five-years-younger-than” the golden age of 21, which state after state and city after city still today declare to be the mature enough age to then purchase tobacco products, alcoholic beverages, or a rifle or pistol, etc. And, even two years younger than the age permitted to join the military without parental consent.

Yes, in keeping with the Radical-Left’s unrelenting battle for “votes” to preserve positions of self-serving power, influence, and control—we must now add the “Voting Age of 16” to their already over bloated vote-assuring arsenal.

A Radical-Left sustaining arsenal already including such weapons as, to cite but a few: open borders, uncontrolled immigration, illegal alien drivers permits, political correctness (denial of truth), racist-labeling, victimhood, deserving, entitlement without contribution, income inequality, climate change, socialism/communism, un-inclusiveness, counselor staffed safe-spaces for offended youth, taxpayer funded pet puppies/kittens for over-anxious students, liberal-biased educational institutions, liberal-biased news media, liberal-biased “deep state” of Washington DC career bureaucrats, and the anti-conservative policies and blocking algorithms of Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc. Not to mention the host of taxpayer funded “Freebees,” such as: food, clothing, housing, healthcare, transportation, smartphones, Internet access, legal representation, etc.

Therefore, ranking most high on the scale of delusion and irresponsibility would be any move on the part of America’s so-called adults in the room, to turn the fate of our country over to our nation’s immature youth, by way of our nation’s elections or otherwise.

Generations of youth who, for example, in unsettling numbers, actively engage in shouting down the free speech and rightful expression of others who they disagree with. As many have been led to believe that the preservation of their liberty and freedom rests with fascism, socialism, and communism. While growing numbers march in the streets demanding delusional protection from “climate change”—as in ignorance they turn their heads away from the real threats posed by nuclear weapons, radical-militant Islam, Sharia law, female genital mutilation, socialism, communism, the anti-U.S. governments of Iran and North Korea, corruption in our U.S. government, and liberal-biased educational institutions that fail to help prepare America’s youth for the realities of life.

Realities including, for example, the fact that criminals, terrorists, and others hell-bent to do harm to others could care less about laws, gun-free zone signs, or about offending someone. As well as other inescapable realities, such as, nothing is ever truly “Free”—because someone, somewhere, somehow, at some point in time, must ultimately do the “paying” . . . even for one’s precious liberty and freedom, now too often abused and dangerously taken for granted.

It seems Abraham Lincoln was unsettlingly prophetic when reportedly stating, “America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.”

                                                 —William James Moore 

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