Tuesday, November 27, 2018

A Looming Ancient-Rooted Threat To Our Liberty, Freedom, and Lives!

Just like it is now happening in England, Germany, and elsewhere in the World, we U.S. citizens can lose our country without, so-to-speak, a shot being fired. Simply by we-the-people tolerating open borders; not maintaining an immigration policy based on merit and one failing to require assimilation of our common language-English and common culture founded on Judeo-Christian values; not exercising responsible voting in our nation’s elections; and self-destructively ignoring the ongoing existence of an ancient-rooted evil (i.e., radical-militant Islam / Sharia-law) that continues to wage war against 21st century civilization. A very real and present threat having the U.S. as a primary target.

And, be not complacent or delusional—the loss of our country also means the loss of our liberty, freedom, and ultimately our lives!

A critical question and concern of course rests in the “true intentions” of the various Muslim individuals that are already seated, and about to be seated, in a number of U.S. political offices, and those now seeking such positions of political power. That is, do they “truly” hold allegiance to our U.S. Constitution . . . or do they openly or covertly hold allegiance to Sharia-law and/or other radical-militant Islam teachings, etc.?

And, let this sink in—our U.S. Constitution, and Sharia-Law or other radical-militant Islam teachings, CANNOT co-exist within our nation! And, for the sake of our liberty and freedom and that of future generations of Americans, we had damn well better get busy right now making and executing some wise survival-grounded choices—in our personal lives and throughout all levels of our government!

In speeches, September 29, 2014, to the United Nations General Assembly, and six months later, on March 03, 2015, before a special joint-meeting of our U.S. Congress, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu delivered very strong, rational, and plain-spoken warnings. About the growing threat of radical/militant Islam, and why ISIS must be defeated and Iran must never be allowed to gain nuclear weapons capability.

In his September 29, 2014 speech he strongly cautioned: “It's not militants. It's not Islam. It's militant Islam. Typically, its first victims are other Muslims, but it spares no one. Christians, Jews, Yazidis, Kurds – no creed, no faith, and no ethnic group is beyond its sights. And it's rapidly spreading in every part of the world. You know the famous American saying: "All politics is local"? For the militant Islamists, "All politics is global." Because their ultimate goal is to dominate the world.”

It is to our ultimate demise that we ever forget or be complacent about the threat posed by radical-militant Islam / Sharia-law. Yet another critical reason why we must practice as-required due diligence to ensure that we are truly aware of: who we elect to positions of power and influence within all levels of our government; who we let enter through and remain within our borders; and regarding all levels of our educational systems—who is teaching our children, and what are they being taught!  Again, at stake, nothing less than our nation’s ultimate survival and our too-often taken for granted liberty, freedom, and gift of life! 

If the message herein and happenings around the World and within our U.S. borders are not a sufficient wake-up call, there is a wide selection of fact-based readings available about this looming menace that should awaken even the most complacent or terminally-in-denial among us. Such as: (1.) "Because They Hate," by Brigitte Gabriel; (2.) "Killing Life, Liberty, & Pursuit of Happiness," by William James Moore; and an array of other sources. 

One’s “source” of factual-enlightenment is not what matters. What does however matter beyond description by words, is one’s dedication to seeking truth, recognizing and accepting reality, and responsibly applying the knowledge and wisdom gained therefrom!                                                                                                                                                                                                             ---William James Moore

Monday, November 26, 2018

Momma said . . . "Never Be A Sore Loser!"

As evidenced by so far surviving in spite of myself, over the years many family, friends, and others have been caring enough to share with me an array of voluntary paths to proper behavior and a good life. None the least, the importance of “never being a sore loser” . . . “never resenting the good fortune of others.” Such being a far from trivial bit of important life-guidance that falls in the sack of many crucial others that I still yet fall terribly short in measuring up to.

For, to this day, I find myself envious, and at times very resentful, of those who, for example, “win the various lotteries”! And if truth be within me, if I had the intelligence-gathering resources of the “deep state”; the reputation-destroying power of the radical-left; and the unrelenting 24/7 support of the biased media, . . . I very likely would harass, shame, and if necessary threaten, other winners until they caved in, publically apologized for contaminating the human race with their presence, and swiftly passed their obviously underserved winnings in total to “me”—the truly deserving.

Never the less, and while burdened with many acknowledged personal flaws and failings, I still find needed comfort and life-sustaining refuge in the realization that I “am not” the cause of nor responsible for: hate speech; racial-divide; California’s wild fires; floods, hurricanes, tornados; world hunger; gun violence; atrocities carried out by terrorists; police brutality; abuse of illegal aliens; climate change; inadequate health care; wars and turmoil throughout the World; student debt; disease; income inequality; sexual discrimination; white supremacy; crime; drug addiction; workplace violence; identity theft; assassination of Abraham Lincoln; the U.S. National Debt; and countless other ills throughout the World.

Because, as any sane, clear-headed, open-minded, rational-thinking, mature human being knows—those cited above, and countless other yet to be identified Russian-colluded curses and plagues against humankind, are clearly and indisputably caused by and the responsibility of President Trump, and his incessant “Make America Great Again” endeavor! And, those that fail to understand and acknowledge this factually-defendable reality are clearly, plainly, and simply, among the many “despicable deplorables” who are hell-bent to roadblock continuation of Past-President Obama’s “Transformation (destruction) of America” agenda.

However, all is not lost, for the solution is clear and simple. Replace President Trump with a “deep state” created Obama/Clinton clone that “fake news media” will 24/7 support, and other radical-left parties will unrelentingly worship. And then—all will be well again!

But, good judgement suggests now is a good place to halt this particular writing. Before inadvertently revealing yet another of my numerous personal short-falls—such as, the use of just a tad bit of often difficult to recognize cynicism and sarcasm to communicate very serious concerns about truly important issues. 
                                                              —William James Moore

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Showing That "You Truly Care"!

Since around year 2000, the number of “legal” immigrants to the United States has reportedly numbered about 1,000,000 per year, as countless others continue to appropriately wait in line to pursue “legal” entry into our nation.

While, as of this posting, caravans of invaders continue their approach through Mexico to our southern border, waving foreign flags of places they supposedly are seeking refuge from. Many if not most among them, hell-bent to defy and illegally breach our borders in unrelenting quest of access to our taxpayer-funded public treasury. By way of a magnitude of taxpayer-funded benefits—taxpayer-funded resources often not available to even the most destitute of countless “legal” U.S. citizens, such as, our nation’s homeless veterans, homeless children, and unfortunate others.

It is noteworthy that, as these mobs of blatant disrespect of our nation’s sovereignty continue to head our way, there are those within our borders that, under the guise of “caring,” hold in utter contempt any effort to, in any manner, delay or prevent unlawful entry of these or others into our already $21 trillion in-debt nation.

And, it is in special consideration of such self-declared “uniquely-caring” individuals that the below proposed program is offered. While recognizing that the following is but one of likely many options available to those craving for a way to show just how much they “truly care”!

“Illegal Alien Custodian/Guardianship Program” — (Proposed Draft):

(A.) Applies to: U.S. citizens who desire and support unsecured U.S. borders, unrestricted immigration, and “catch and release” policies being applied to illegal aliens caught on U.S. soil.

(B.) Required Action: If you truly put the welfare of illegal aliens above that of your fellow U.S. citizens, then unrelentingly pressure your representatives in the House and Senate to timely establish a volunteer “Illegal Alien Custodian/Guardianship Program” that will help you put “your” time, money, and other personal resources where your heart and mouth are. For example, a federal government administrated program whereby, through a user-friendly government website, you can register and apply for an official “Illegal Alien Custodian/Guardianship Designee" assignment.  Whereby, after appropriate vetting and acceptance, you can be assigned, for example, five appropriately vetted illegal aliens from our existing “catch and release” immigration policy. Five individuals who, as their designated custodian/guardian, you will be totally responsible—at “your” personal expense—for their housing, clothing, food, education, medical care, entertainment, and other humanitarian needs, as well as accountability for their physical location, general conduct, and availability for government monitoring, etc. A responsibility that will continue lawfully and uninterrupted until the illegal aliens assigned to you have within applicable U.S. Government designated time frames, either become: (1.) English speaking, English using, U.S. culture-assimilating, self-supporting, law-abiding, legal U.S. citizens; or, (2.) lawfully deported from U.S. soil.

(C.) Alternative Response: Should you choose not to have, support, and personally participate in an “Illegal Alien Custodian/Guardianship Program” such as described above, then it should reasonably be assumed that you are among those who recognize their patriotic duty to constructively support responsible U.S. immigration policies. Those designed to secure our U.S. borders, mandate merit-based immigration, and eliminate “catch and release” and other nation-threatening or otherwise irresponsible handling of illegal aliens.

= = = = =

If, within the above, the reader finds that a bit of cynicism and sarcasm was used to communicate a serious concern and sound proposal, such was and is the intent.    —William James Moore

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

"Among Life's Inescapable Realities"

Along with blessings experienced by a countless many, come a number of life’s inescapable realities. Such as, to note but a few: some among us pay taxes, others do not; there is no such thing as “free” (someone, somewhere, at some point, pays); death eventually applies to all; the Sun comes up in the East; you can’t eat a bowling ball (at least not in its intended-for-use form); life is not fair; freedom of speech does not only apply to what you or I agree with, but also the views of others; only those who successfully win the battle against evil and oppression will have the opportunity to realize the inalienable (God-given) rights to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness; and, both our “voting” and “not voting” have truly serious, long-lasting, and otherwise profound consequences.

Yes, the conduct (good, bad, or indifferent) of our local, state, and federal government is ultimately the consequence of votes cast, or not cast, by “we the people”—past, present, and future. A reality not erasable by any amount of wrongly assigned blame/credit. For, in our U.S. constitutional republic, it is our votes or lack thereof that determine who will be granted positions of governmental power and influence over our lives and livelihood. An extent of power and influence our country’s Founding Fathers wisely intended to be duly limited and held in check. By way of the Bill of Rights and other liberty recognizing provisions of our very unique and most precious U.S. Constitution—our firewall against tyranny—our safeguard against cruel or oppressive government or rule.

And, for those who continue to maintain that our votes don’t matter, note that our recently completed 2018 midterm elections reportedly entailed campaign spending totaling well over a staggering $5 billion. An unthinkable expenditure that of course does not include the untold millions upon millions of untraceable dollars (so-called “dark money”). All spent in a grueling battle for our votes—in an unrelenting struggle for positions of power and influence within our government. Votes, and lack of votes, that truly have consequences!

For, in the end, it will be our votes and failure to vote that determine, for example:

Whether our liberty-sustaining U.S. Constitution survives, or is replaced by life/liberty-destroying Sharia Law or other cruel and oppressive rule; whether our nation’s foundation blocks of secured borders, common language-English, and common culture founded on Judeo-Christian values, continue to survive, or are destroyed by irresponsible immigration policies; whether we have a free-enterprise economic system that promotes continued growth, prosperity, innovation, individual opportunity, and security, or the nation/liberty-destructive ravages of socialism/communism; whether our ever-growing and out-of-control $21 trillion national debt is responsibly dealt with, or we self-destruct from continued out-of-control government spending; whether our educational institutions teach truth and help prepare our nation’s youth to responsibly deal with the realities of life, or condition them to scramble for the false security of a taxpayer-funded “safe space” and delusional comfort of an “anxiety-relieving kitten/puppy,” at the first encounter with a view not aligned with that of their own; whether we accept the reality of “limited resources,” or self-destruct under the delusion that the cost of so-called “free” food, clothing, housing, education, transportation, entertainment, legal services, smart phones, and other wants and needs, will somehow be paid for by the “tooth fairy” or some other “elusive them.” And, by no means the last nor least --- whether our nation is constructively supported by an election process of integrity, inputted by informed and responsible voters, or suffers the liberty threatening consequences of a system contaminated by input of non-U.S. citizens, sabotage by foreign governments, and/or from the ignorance, apathy, complacency, denial, and greed, of we U.S. citizens.

It seems Abraham Lincoln was unsettlingly prophetic when reportedly stating, “America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.”                           

                                                                                       —William James Moore