Friday, June 15, 2018

A Simple, Painless, & Obvious Solution To The U.S. National Debt

Along with every other U.S. citizen, each of our grandchildren’s share of “our” rapidly growing $21 trillion National Debt is now about $65,000 (or roughly $174,000 per U.S. taxpayer). 

But we need not worry, for the solution is simple, painless, and obvious: 

(1.) Try hard to NEVER vote in any of our nation’s future elections; 

(2.) However, if vote we must, then without fail always support: open borders; uncontrolled immigration; and “FREE” housing, food, clothing, medical care, income-inequality cash allowances, smartphones, college education, transportation, child care, legal counsel, and entertainment—for everyone defined by our all-knowing, all-trusting federal government as being “in need” (e.g., government-selected demographics from which votes for the status-quo or agenda-of-the-moment are in dire need); and 

(3.) Strictly on an optional basis, consider some serious prayers for future generations of Americans, .  .  . that is, just in case Steps (1.) and (2.) don’t work out so well for some unforeseen reason. 

—William James Moore

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PS - In follow-up to the above reality-exposing satire on the subject, please now read the below separate Post titled: "Our" U.S. National Debt.

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