Monday, January 4, 2016

The "Bottomless-pit" of our Federal Government

A bottomless-pit is “something that drains all one’s energy or resources.” Broke (bankrupt; insolvent; etc.) is “having completely run out of money.” Common-sense is “good sense and sound judgment in practical matters.” 

Our Federal Government has become a bottomless-pit! As a nation—by any reasonable and sensible standards—we are broke! And, “we the people” and “our federal government” have lost touch with any resemblance of common sense!

Evidence that the above claims are true is all around us. Some of that “should-be-unsettling” evidence is summarized in this section. Factual information that should not only be very alarming, but also motivating! Prompting and otherwise supporting unrelenting demands for more responsible government! One not only focused on our “present-day needs,” but also on our responsibility to future generations of Americans!

Roughly speaking, as of this 2017 posting, “we the people” are on the hook for a rapidly growing National Debt of $20 trillion—that’s about $62 thousand per citizen; or $167 thousand per income taxpayer! And, for U.S. Unfunded Liabilities totaling some $107 trillion—that’s over $328,000 for every man, woman, and child in the U.S. And these gut-wrenching numbers don’t include our personal debt—now over $56 thousand per U.S. citizen!

Now—again, just roughly-speaking, $62,000 plus $328,000 plus $56,000 seems to add up to a total outstanding debt of about $446,000 per U.S. citizen. And, if and when called upon to pay our respective per-citizen-share of this rapidly growing debt, how many among us would within a lifetime be able to do so? An ever-growing obligation and burden we irresponsibly keep ignoring and passing on to our children, grandchildren, and other future generations of Americans to deal with!

And, given the reality of threats to our liberty and survival such as summarized above, the dangerously irresponsible among us keep demanding, and political leaders keep promising and accommodating, "free community college;” “amnesty for illegal aliens;” “free health care;” and “free accommodations for Europe’s migration crisis;” etc. An endless array of other “free stuff”! - - - to be paid for by "someone else"! Added to the pile of already existing and unsustainable “free benefits” promised, and those already put in place, by our self-serving and otherwise irresponsible government. More and more “free” from an already broke and heavily in-debt public treasury—to buy the votes and support of likewise self-serving and irresponsible citizens! A truly unsustainable path that is dragging this nation deeper and deeper into a “bottomless-pit” of liberty and survival threatening debt!

And then there was Senator Bernie Sanders, a Vermont independent who in 2016 ran for the democratic presidential nomination. Whose campaign rhetoric and income-inequality agenda reportedly amounted to another “$18 trillion in benefits!” “More promises” from—as earlier stressed—an already broke and in-debt public treasury! Pure and absolute “liberty and survival-threatening” insanity! But, sadly, much appealing to the ears of his growing numbers of greedy, out-of-touch, and otherwise irresponsible supporters. Similar to the nation-destroying “BS” echoed by another democratic nomination seeker, Hillary Clinton, whose campaign rhetoric was likewise loaded with promises of more and more “free stuff.” And, in keeping with that of Senator Sanders and like-minded others—straight out of the play-book of “socialism”! A recipe for disaster that fails to heed the reality highlighted by the following most fitting and appropriate quotation:

“The trouble with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people’s money.” —Margaret Thatcher (1925-2013), Prime Minister of United Kingdom.

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According to September 2015 U.S. Census data, we were at that time a nation of about 321.7 million. As of this September 2017 posting, we are now a nation of some 325.8 million.

And, within the above constantly changing number, by September 2017, government records reported:

*  Only 120.5 million (37%) income taxpayers;

*  A workforce of about 153.7 million (47.1%); available private sector jobs of around 121.8 million (37.3%); manufacturing jobs of only 12.4 million (3.8%); 6.8 million (2.0%) “officially” unemployed; 13.5 million (4.1%) “actually” unemployed; 126.1 million (38.6%) full-time workers; 27.5 million (8.4%) part-time workers; 8.4 million (2.5%) self-employed; and 94.6 million (29.0%) not in labor force;

*  23.5 million (7.2%) government employees; 1.3 million (0.39%) U.S. armed forces; 15.3 million (4.6%) union workers; 51.1 million (15.6%) retirees; 21.0 million (6.4%) veterans;

*  56.5 million (17.3%) Medicare enrollees; 74.2 million (22.7%) Medicaid recipients; 30.9 million (9.4%) without health insurance; 10.4 million (3.1%) disabled; 42.1 million (12.9%) living in poverty; 40.9 million (12.5%) Food Stamp recipients; about 1.9 million in jail or prison; 6.8 million convicted felons; and about 164 million (50.3%) of us are presently receiving some type of “benefits” from the public treasury;

*  U.S. median income at about $30.4 thousand; family savings $8.4 thousand; personal debt $56.6 thousand per citizen;

*  U.S. national debt of over $20 trillion ($61.8 thousand per citizen; $167.2 thousand per income taxpayer); unfunded liabilities $107.4 trillion (over $328 thousand per U.S. citizen; $887 thousand per income taxpayer). $6.1 trillion of U.S. national debt held by foreign countries.

*  U.S. Gross National Product (GDP) of about $19.3 trillion, and our largest federal budget items being: Medicare/Medicaid $91.1 trillion; Social Security $937.7 billion; Defense/War $632.8 billion; Income Security $297.2 billion; Net Interest on Debt $267.7 billion; and Federal Pensions $266.2 billion. Given these numbers—you have a clue where the “big cuts” must someday come from? Be they voluntarily or involuntarily!

*  Federal Tax Revenue of $3.3 trillion ($10.1 thousand per citizen); State Revenue $2.01 trillion ($10.4 thousand per citizen); Income Tax Revenue $1.5 trillion; Payroll Tax Revenue $1.1 trillion; and Corporate Tax Revenue 309.5 billion.

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But wait!  There is more!  Other sources report that in our America: 
Over a half-million people are living on the street, in cars, in homeless shelters, or in subsidized transitional housing - - - about 25% of this total are children; 1 in 8 in America live on incomes at risk for hunger; 13 million American children rely on food banks for assistance; food insecurity exists in every county in the U.S.; and growing millions are living with a substance-abuse disorder (more are now dying from addictive drugs overdose than from guns and automobile accidents combined).

While our military has been critically-downsized; Social Security solvency is seriously doubtful; our country’s infrastructure is deteriorating; the middle-class is being destroyed; a struggle is underway to find funds to cover health care obligations to our military veterans and others; and our institutions of higher learning (colleges and universities) are providing taxpayer funded "Safe Spaces" for those seeking refuge from "offensive (free) speech" and other of life's realities.

And yet we are surrounded by self-serving politicians and others still “promising” and “demanding” more and more “free stuff”! Tolerated and supported by citizens willing to load-up and pass-on to future generations a selfish and unsustainable U.S. debt!

In this age of high-tech global communications, rapidly expanding Internet access, and always-connected social-media frenzy—little if any of this information should be “news.”

And, faced with these and other social and economic burdens and challenges—“common sense” would say that no responsible government would ever create, tolerate, or let stand, laws or other circumstances that would allow our country to be flooded with millions of illegal aliens. But, being a “bottomless pit of tax and spend”, and void of “common sense”—our Federal Government has done just that!

And, “both” the democrat and republican parties, over several administrations, are to blame! As well as “we the people” for failing to responsibly carry out our obligations as voters and citizen-custodians of our country’s affairs!

For years, our Federal Government has failed to establish and enforce responsible immigration policy and secure our borders. As a result, our country has been and continues to be flooded by countless illegals of known and unknown origins, backgrounds, and intents. Some that may wish to assimilate into U.S. culture, adopt our common-language English, and be positive contributors to our nation’s well being. While many others refuse to assimilate U.S. culture, disrespect and abuse our country’s opportunities, and commit criminal acts, etc.

Our Federal Government’s willful acceptance of millions of “illegals” over the years has irresponsibly further-burdened our already over-stretched resources. With burdens, such as, “billions of dollars” for food, clothing, housing, transportation, medical care, education, legal services, and even “spending allowances” for illegal alien minors, etc. And, among the many devastating consequences—a special insult to the countless “legal immigrants” who have gained, or now stand in line to gain, lawful entrance into the U.S. by respectfully playing by the rules.

And, as our Federal Government continues to accommodate and cater to “illegal aliens”—the long-standing hardships and concerns of U.S. citizens go unaddressed. And our military veterans wait in line for “earned” health care benefits; our country’s infrastructure deteriorates; and gang violence and drug abuse spread throughout our cities. While the flood of “illegal aliens,” and “irresponsibly-accommodated” legal immigrants, continue to be used to satisfy the nation-destroying agendas of “cheap labor,” “secured votes,” “demographics change,” and otherwise “transformation of America”!

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The Illusions of Unlimited Resources & Tolerance:

Given the truly liberty and survival threatening risks posed by irresponsible tax and spend agendas, and failed immigration policies, etc.—we must very timely pull our heads out of the sand and reject the self-destructive “Illusion of Unlimited Resources”! That being, the delusional-thinking that any nation of ever-growing numbers of “takers” and ever-diminishing numbers of “contributors” can forever last!

“We the people” and our government must also recognize and reject the “Illusion of Unlimited Tolerance”! That being, the likewise delusional-thinking that this country’s hardworking “contributors” have “unlimited tolerance!” For a government that is unresponsive to the best interests of our country. Or, that there exists unlimited tolerance for a government that puts the welfare of “illegal aliens” above that of “legal immigrants” and law-abiding, tax-paying, U.S. citizens!

Regardless of our political affiliation, or lack thereof—we all have ownership in our government’s shortcomings and failings. We also have inescapable ownership in the consequences! At risk from “bad government” and "irresponsible voters"—nothing less than our great nation's survival, as defined by our U.S. borders, Constitution, common language-English, and common culture rooted in Judeo-Christian values!  In jeopardy—our individual liberty, and God-given rights to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness!  Among the major roadblocks—our voter-ignorance, apathy, complacency, denial, greed, and counter-productive fears! 

                                                                 —William James Moore

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“Our nation stands at the crossroads of liberty. Crushing national debt, rampant illegal immigration, insane business regulations and staggering national unemployment are pushing our nation into uncharted territory.” —James Lankford (1968- ), U.S. Senator.

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