Monday, February 17, 2025



"We do hereby authorize President Trump and his Elon Musk led DOGE Team to audit for, publicly expose, and pursue due accountability for, any and all waste, fraud, and abuse of our tax dollars received and used by any and all aspects of our U.S. Government."

Most Sincerely,

WJ & CA Moore
Taxpaying U.S. Citizens

Sunday, February 9, 2025


On November 05, 2024 President Trump was reportedly elected by way of an overwhelming majority of both U.S. Constitution-established “Electoral College Votes” as well as by Popular-Vote majority. Evidencing a voter-mandate not only for his Presidential leadership, but also for his very public and nation-wide campaign-promised “America-First/Make America Great Again (MAGA)” Agenda.

I am among the grateful millions who consider the above-stated to not only be an example of “Truth/Reality” . . . but also a golden and not to be waisted unique-opportunity to not only save our precious Liberty and Freedom enabling Republic, but also in many profound ways help make a better World overall. While many others consider such to be the onset of a dark age, etc., etc., etc.

Yes, it would seem that from the beginning of time there has been the World that “actually exists” (i.e., actual “Truth/Reality”) . . . and then there’s the World that we each as individuals and groups “perceive” to be.

All while efforts to make a better World have long encountered many obstacles. None the least the too often failure to responsibly grasp that:

(1.) we do not all “perceive” the World (i.e., our physical environment, other human beings, ourselves, etc.) the same way;

(2.) our individual and group “perceptions” of everything seen, heard, written, read, etc., don’t necessarily correspond to the actually existing “reality/truth”; and

(3.) our respective “perceptions” do nevertheless constitute what is to us “reality/truth” . . . that is, until something moves us to “perceive” otherwise!

Hence the ever-important need for not only appropriate tolerance of other views, but also commonsense response to threats to survival . . . especially given humankind’s ages-old struggle between “good and evil.”

—William James Moore (the above being gratefully and respectfully inspired by a related posting by a very cherished friend, BGH).

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“Some people see the glass half full. Others see it half empty. I see a glass that’s twice as big as it needs to be.”                                                                                       —George Carlin (1937-2008)

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"Click" on below Link to access U.S. Presidential Actions:

Monday, January 13, 2025


It is by far not a revelation, nor does it rank as a newsflash, that wildfires are a serious threat in many places. None the least, California, where the threat is not only serious but also constant, especially during the dry Santa Ana wind season. Where such winds, combined with high temperatures and dry vegetation, create the perfect storm for flames to spread quickly. “Long Known” and “Historically Proven” Conditions . . . existing for many thousands of years!

And yet, in the so-called most powerful country on Earth, the source of truly mind-boggling technological achievements, etc., etc., etc., . . . California continues to suffer death and destruction from uncontrolled/out-of-control wildfires!

Yes, the same California that continues to dedicate untold tax dollars and other resources to creating a sanctuary for illegal aliens, and for an array of save the Planet Earth and endangered fish endeavors, etc., . . . while the state repeatedly suffers death and destruction from uncontrolled/out-of-control wildfires!

Yes, in the same America that dedicates untold tax dollars and other resources to aid many other countries around the globe in their respective struggles against threats of nature and human sources . . . as, for example, California repeatedly suffers death and destruction from uncontrolled/out-of-control wildfires!

Which leads some among us to ponder that there seems to so-to-speak really be something drastically wrong with this picture! As various foes of our country are in turn possibly thinking that a few “kitchen matches” may be all they actually need in their conquer/destroy America arsenal . . . that is, in lieu of all that costly and complicated weaponry they have to date struggled and sacrificed to develop and maintain!

On the other hand, it just might be that California’s wildfire threat, and other challenges, will one day soon be solved by obviously tried-and-proven folks like their Governor Gavin Newson, U.S. Senator Adam Schiff, U.S. Representative, Nancy Pelosi, and Los Angeles Mayor, Karen Bass, etc. Along with a duly expedited California effort to ensure that all positions of power and responsibility within the state are unfailingly filled with folks selected strictly on the basis of DEI criteria. As in turn those demonstrating commonsense, relevant qualifications, verified ability, essential performance, etc., are swiftly purged, silenced, and duly scorned. 
                                                       ---William James Moore


Monday, January 6, 2025

Super Bowl 2025 — "Recommended Use of Profits Therefrom"

As recently reported via various media, Super Bowl 2025, “the biggest game of the year,” will take place in New Orleans, Louisiana on February 9, 2025.

And as an aid to the ownership and players of the two ultimately competing teams regarding what to do with their respective profits therefrom, here’s a most sincere and otherwise serious recommendation . . . “appropriately distribute one-half thereof to the victims of the horrific terror attack carried out in New Orleans on January 01, 2025 (i.e., to those injured and families of those killed).”

In turn, place the remaining one-half of such profits in an appropriately managed interest-earning trust to support appropriate aid to future victims of subsequent terror attacks on U.S. soil.  
For, most sadly, history attests that such a need will ever so likely again materialize.   As the consequence of indisputably “the longest lasting battle on Earth” . . . that of course being the often unspeakably painful and otherwise reprehensibly costly ages-old struggle between the human-staffed teams of “Good” and “Evil.”

                                            —William James Moore     01/06/2025

Sunday, January 5, 2025


Most unfortunately---not only for America but also for much of our ever-so-troubled and awesomely challenged World---"President-Elect Trump" and his "Save-America/America-First/Make-America-Great-Again (MAGA) agenda" do not occupy the people's White House until January 20, 2025!!!

In the meantime, the last-day’s agenda of the so-called Biden Administration has prioritized an aggressive handing out of a long listing of "Presidential Medal of Freedom Awards" and "Presidential Pardons"!

Oh yes, "Presidential Pardons" that of course include his son, Hunter, and once prestigious "Presidential Medal of Freedom Awards" that of course now even include “Epitomes of Evil” recipients such as George Soros and Hillary Clinton, and “Otherwise Despicables” such as RINO Liz Cheney, etc.!!!

Yes, it was not enough to spend the past four years flooding our country with millions upon millions of Illegal Aliens; enabling horrific wars and terrorism via failed and irresponsible Biden Administration policies; unleashing Federal Government powers in unrelenting efforts to destroy “all things Trump”; crippling our U.S. economy; spewing hate, discontent, and division nationwide while indoctrinating our nation’s youth with anti-America propaganda; etc.; etc.; etc.!!!

Oh yes, the Communist/Marxist-infested Puppet Masters of so-called Biden Administration have in turn chosen to use---at taxpayers expense---the crucial timeframe between 11/05/2024 and 01/20/2025 to road-block President-elect Trump’s MAGA agenda, as they blatantly wave their middle finger and proceed to, as the saying goes, “Burn-It-Down” on their way out . . . with no consequences for their crimes and otherwise reprehensible behavior!!!

Oh yes!!! . . . the exit of Joe, the Biden Crime Family’s “Big Guy,” along with his power-lusting Puppet Masters, and arrival of "MAGA" President Trump on January 20, 2025, cannot come soon enough!!!

                                          ---William James Moore 01/05/2025

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

“A Most Alarming and Shameful Legacy”

Few if any among us are likely capable of truly grasping the size, risk, and ultimate consequences of our existing and seemingly out-of-control U.S. National Debt. Especially given that past and present generations of “We The People” and our elected and unelected representatives in government have amassed a National Debt now exceeding some $36 Trillion ($107,000 per citizen; $271,790 per taxpayer), with a “yearly interest expense” now exceeding a Trillion dollars! And, for another mind-boggling thought . . . paying “only one year” of this “yearly” interest expense debt alone at, for example, the rate of $1 per second, would take more than 31,709 years!

Yes, a truly incomprehensible, out-of-control, and unsustainable $36 Trillion debt obligation that, for example, if expressed in one dollar bills and laid end to end, could circle the earth about 140,332 times! A most alarming and shameful legacy that also continues to be kicked down the road of responsibility to the ultimate backs of our country’s now youth and the not yet born — with yet-to-be-determined consequences.

A potentially liberty-threatening legacy no doubt resulting in no small measure from years of ignorance, apathy, complacency, denial, greed, and irrational fear of we so-called adults in the room, past and present. As countless citizens continue to vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury, and many political candidates continue to personally benefit from promising more and more of the same. All in irresponsible disregard of the inescapable reality that there is no such thing as “free stuff” — for ultimately someone, somewhere, at some point in time must pay the bills or otherwise endure the consequences.

And, as in years past, the future will no doubt hold many old and new demands and promises regarding tackling our National Debt through reduced and/or otherwise more responsible government spending (use of tax dollars/debt), etc. Undoubtedly entailing both well-intentioned and ill-intentioned matters to which there will likely at times be found considerable support — that is, “until” it is revealed just specifically who may be called upon to do the actual sacrificing.

As the following cautionary words often attributed to our 3rd U.S. President, Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826), seem ever so more prophetic: “I place economy among the first and most important virtues, and public debt as the greatest of dangers to be feared…To preserve our independence, we must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt…We must make our choice between economy and liberty or profusion and servitude...”

                                                              —William James Moore

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Please Note: The "above" article was also published as a Public Mind article on page 3 of the 12/24/2024 Edition of local newspaper, the Parsons Sun. [To enlarge/access, "Click" on the "below" image]:

Tuesday, November 26, 2024


Faced with the reality of the overwhelming November 05, 2024 voter-mandate for President Trump’s Save America / Make America Great Again commonsense policies and agendas, the Marxist/Communist-infested Radical-Left Democrat Party Leadership continues to frantically wrestle with “WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED???”

Yes, after their last-ditch pick-of-the-litter, cackling Kamala Harris, blew $1.5 Billion in 15 weeks on a grossly failed campaign aimed at driving a final nail in their Transformation of America coffin . . .  an effort that also wound up $20 Million in debt . . . even she (word salad spewing Kamala) thereafter soon departed with her hubby to a taxpayer funded vacation in Hawaii, to no doubt also at times ponder a bit about . . . WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED???

As various other of the Radical-Left’s talking heads have now started to publicly spew via various media that President Trump’s overwhelming victory was admittedly the result of their (the Democrat Party’s) “losing touch” with or otherwise failure to so-called “connect” with the “core values” of America’s middle/working class, etc., etc., etc.

To which I and countless others say Bull Shi*!!! That is, you (where the shoe fits) Marxist/Communist-infested Radical-Left Democrat Party Leaders have NEVER truly given a damn about “We the People’s” core values, our U.S. Constitution, or other of the crucial foundation blocks of our ever-so-precious individual-liberty enabling Constitutional Republic!

While in fact and all along, the only thing you (where the shoe fits) have given, and still give, a damn about is your self-serving, self-absorbed, power-lusting control over the folks you unrelentingly strive to divide into “victims” and “oppressors” . . . with you self-declaring to be the only hope the “victims” will ever have, that is of course as long as they keep the tax dollars, supporting votes, and otherwise obedience to you flowing to your personal satisfaction!

So here’s a heart-felt wake-up call regarding “What Actually Happened” on November 05, 2024! Simply put, an overwhelming mandate of “We the People” finally stood up and declared that “we have had enough” with all the anti-America/America-last; WOKE-infestation; Identity-Politics; Critical Race Theory; Indoctrination of our youth; etc.; and other insanity!

Yes, we are fed up and have zero tolerance for “being told” how to vote; what to eat; where to live; what to drive; how to speak; what medical attention we must pursue/tolerate; what appliances we must buy; what temperature to maintain in our homes; that unnecessary wars are necessary; how to raise our children; that biological males are OK in female sports, female restrooms, etc.; that unsecured borders are secured; that we are obligated to admit and support Illegal Aliens; and that a government corrupted and weaponized against political opponents is OK; etc.; etc.; etc., !

Yes, most thankfully, enough stood up on November 05, 2024 “against” all the insanity and “for” common sense! Delivering a mandate hopefully proven not only sufficient to now Save America and Make America Great Again . . . but a citizens’ mandate also able and willing to “maintain” ongoing defeat of the unrelenting aims of Marxist/Communist-infested Radical-Left and other ever-present enemies of our ever-challenged America, our precious Constitutional Republic . . . individual liberty’s last hope! 

                                                                ---William James Moore

Wednesday, November 20, 2024


Seems worthy of note that the same word-salad-uttering, joyfully-grinning, hand-waving, incessantly cackling Kamala Harris that boasted her “never explained” plan to fix the woes of our country’s economy, and her “never revealed” qualifications to serve as Commander in Chief of the military of the greatest nation on Earth, etc., . . . recently led an overwhelmingly failed 2024 campaign for U.S. President that reportedly spent $1.5 Billion and wound up some $20 Million in debt!  As she and her husband then departed for a vacation in Hawaii!

Oh well, now back to the wringing of hands in sleepless night anxiety about the “qualifications” of President Trump’s picks for his cabinet and other federal government staff to support his U.S. Voter mandate to Save America and MAGA!!! 

                                                                   William James Moore


Monday, November 18, 2024

A "Save America" Mandate!!!


  "We The People" have Spoken!

  Out with the Insanity 


  Back with Common Sense!

Sunday, November 17, 2024


Following this (openly a bit satire-inclusive) title and introduction, is a strongly recommended reading of an as-published article reported by NEWSMAX, Sunday, November 17, 2024. 

And those choosing to do so will likely readily recognize that in lieu of “Gun Violence,” China is not only experiencing “Knife Violence,” but also “Car Violence”!

Hence, China’s solution to the therein reported human tragedies clearly rests in some of America’s tried and proven approaches.

Such as, but not limited to: (1.) In lieu of U.S.A. employed “Gun Free Zone” signs, a dedicated China use of strategically-posted “Knife Free Zone” and “Car Free Zone” signage; (2.) Citizen indoctrinations that unrelentingly declare and attest that the “root cause” of violence is always “the weapon of choice,” and never the human user of such; and (3.) Self-destructive mindset that those hell-bent to levy death and other pain and suffering on others never fail to faithfully respect and closely adhere to the dictates of signs, laws, and other thou-shalt-nots!  

                                                           —William James Moore

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A stabbing attack at a vocational school in the eastern Chinese city of Wuxi on Saturday left eight people dead and 17 others injured, local police said. The attack took place at the Wuxi Vocational Institute of Arts and Technology in Yixing, a smaller city within Wuxi, at around 6:30 p.m. local time, the Yixing police said in a statement.

The suspect, a 21-year old male student surnamed Xu, was detained on site. Police said Wu had failed his examinations and could not graduate, and that he was dissatisfied about his pay at an internship. He decided to vent his frustrations via the attack, the statement said. Videos circulating on Western social media platforms like X showed injured people lying on the street after the attack while others rushed to help.

On Chinese social media platforms like Weibo, keyword searches of the attack turn up the police statement but no videos or images related to the attack. The Chinese government often censors internet content if it’s deemed overly sensitive or political. Most Western social media sites and search engines like Google are blocked behind what's commonly known as the Great Firewall, which regulates what is accessible within China.

This is the second deadly attack within a week after a man drove his car into people at a sports facility in the southern city of Zhuhai, leaving 35 people dead and injured 43 others.

China has seen a number of attacks in which suspects appear to target members of the public at random.

In October, a man was detained after he allegedly attacked children with a knife at a school in Beijing. Five people were wounded.

In September, three people were killed in a knife attack in a Shanghai supermarket, and 15 others were injured. Police said at the time that the suspect had personal financial disputes and came to Shanghai to “vent his anger.”

The same month, a Japanese schoolboy died after being stabbed on his way to school in the southern city of Shenzhen.

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Friday, November 15, 2024


It has often been written that, at the close of the Constitutional Convention of 1787, a lady asked Benjamin Franklin, one of America’s Founding Fathers, “What have we got, a republic or a monarch?” Reportedly, his response was, “A republic if you can keep it.”

Yes, our liberty and freedoms are not locked-in-stone, but instead enabled by our special form of government. Not a “pure democracy,” which can result in mob-rule and tyranny-of-the-majority and where fifty-one percent could take away the rights of the other forty-nine, but rather, a first and to date one-of-its-kind “constitutional republic”! Purposefully designed to be governed by its citizens through three separate but equal branches of government: the legislative, executive, and judicial. Where, through the invaluable experience, profound insight, and exceptional wisdom of our country’s founders, “sovereignty” is intended to deliberately rest with its citizens!

Hence, relatively intense campaigns are often aimed at influencing our votes, such as with our recent 11/05/2024 Presidential/General Election. As millions chose to exercise our constitutional sovereignty by way of our votes. And in doing so, expressed who we want to represent us in various branches of government and what policies and agendas we expect to be employed.

And via this U.S. Constitution founded process, Former President (now President-Elect) Trump and Vice President-Elect Vance, and their publicly declared platform of planned policies, have been officially chosen as our county’s path forward, beginning January 20, 2025. A mandate of planned policies focused on crucial issues such as but not limited to: Border Security; Immigration Control; Inflation/Economy; Crime Prevention; Tax Cuts; Energy and manufacturing dominance; Preventing/ending wars; Missile Defense Shield for U.S.; U.S. Military strength/modernization; Protecting Social Security and Medicare; Cancelling Electric Vehicle mandate; Cutting costly and burdensome regulations; Keeping men out of women’s sports; Securing U.S. elections; and Uniting our country through new and record levels of success; etc.

A legitimately exercised citizens-sovereignty “chosen-path-forward” for our country—clearly validated not only by relatively overwhelming Electoral College Votes, but also substantial Popular Vote Majority.

And, in a perfect world, one might expect a rational “united” effort forward with the “overall” best interests of our country selflessly and uppermost in mind. However, history reflects that, in absence of such perfection, the future will, in addition to an array of positive and encouraging outcomes, also entail a mixed bag of counterproductive behaviors—often fueled by ignorance, apathy, complacency, denial, intimidation, greed, corruption, and other human-rooted flaws.

Nevertheless, many among us continue to hope for and encourage the day when we are much better at treating one another as “Americans” and much less tolerant of “Identity Politics.” That is, counterproductive behaviors seeking to “divide” us into groups of “victims” and “oppressors” by way of ethnicity, race, nationality, religion, denomination, gender, sexual orientation, social background, caste, social class, etc.

Yes, we will continue to enjoy the liberty and freedom enabling blessings of our precious “Republic” . . . that is, if we can keep it!                                                       
                                                            —William James Moore

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Please Note: The "above" article was also published as a Public Mind article on page 3 of the 11/19/2024 Edition of local newspaper, the Parsons Sun[To enlarge/access, "Click" on the "below" image]:

Thursday, November 14, 2024



Seems worthy of note that the same word-salad-uttering, joyfully-grinning, hand-waving, incessantly cackling Kamala Harris that boasted her “never explained” plan to fix the woes of our country’s economy, and her “never revealed” qualifications to serve as Commander in Chief of the military of the greatest nation on Earth, etc., . . . recently led an overwhelmingly failed 2024 campaign for U.S. President that reportedly spent $1 Billion and wound up some $20 Million in debt!

Oh well, now back to the wringing of hands in sleepless night anxiety about the “qualifications” of President Trump’s picks for his cabinet and other federal government staff to support his U.S. Voter mandate to Save America and MAGA!!! 

                                                                   . . . William James Moore

Monday, November 11, 2024


Reportedly, the average Tuition and Fees at America’s so-called Ivy League schools now average about $64,000 yearly. And yes, if you have the desire and economic and other resources to take advantage of such, you can send your young adult offsprings to one of these “Institutions of Higher Indoctrination” (e.g., Harvard, Pennsylvania, Columbia, etc.).

Where they can — at your and other U.S. taxpayers expense — be indoctrinated to have ignorance of and/or contempt for our U.S. Constitution; learn to hate Jewish people and all things Trump; and even participate in unrelenting support of Hamas terrorists.

All while basking in a deeply caring, compassionate, and protected “educational” atmosphere that will, as one proud example, swiftly “cancel” classes when our county’s elections don’t go their way, in order to allow scared and hurting-badly students and staff to recover from their heart-shattering fear and anxiety over the outcome of our country’s 2024 Presidential/General Election.

And in the case of Columbia University, even organize and/or participate in a “Anti-Veterans Day” protest on 11/11/2024!

And if all this pampering of hurt feelings for some reason fails to address their life-shattering trauma and endless emotional needs, then there’s always that possibly for a taxpayer-funded “Student Loan Forgiveness” handout to materialize! That is, until . . . along came Trump!

Yes, folks, only in America! 

                                                               —William James Moore

Sunday, November 3, 2024


Yes, “We The People” truly now face a most crucial fork in the road! 

We can either elect Trump & Vance and a supporting Republican-majority (RINO-free) U.S. Congress . . . and ourselves support and demand unrelenting dedication to President Trump's Pro-America/America-First/"U.S. Constitution-founded" policies and agenda . . . or, folks, the survival of our precious Liberty/Freedom-enabling Republic will truly and rapidly sink into an “unthinkable”—and very likely “unrecoverable”—abyss of Marxist/Communist-infested Radial-Left Insanity and Tyranny!!!
                                                            - - - William James Moore

Saturday, October 26, 2024

Straight From the Liar-Lips of Cackling Kamala Harris!



(1.) In keeping with various campaign boastings about her so-called “middle-class” roots, Kamala Harris has at times claimed once having a French Fry Preparing Job at McDonald’s;

(2.) McDonald’s and others fail to provide/acknowledge evidence in support of above claim, resulting in related Negative News Media for Harris;

(3.) Trump “Announces his Intent” to Perform French Fry Job at a McDonald’s;

(4.) Trump “Actually Performs” French Fry Job at a McDonald’s, resulting is some Positive News Media related thereto;

(5.) McDonald’s Corporation Hit with “Outbreak of E. Coli Bacteria” in at Least 13 States – with source of E. Coli contamination reportedly traced to onions supplied by a Taylor Farms facility in Colorado Springs, Colorado (a California-based produce company);

(6.) Positive Trump-Related McDonald’s News “Instantly Replaced” with that related to E. Coli outbreak.

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INITIAL TAKE-AWAY (With a bit of Satire): Even the slightest pondering that the timing and other factors of of above referenced E. Coli Bacteria outbreak at McDonald’s could possibly be “other than” the purest of coincidence, of course suggests that such thoughts are likely infested with irredeemable racism, anti-democracy, white-supremacy leanings, and other incurable human flaws.

                                                                ---William James Moore.

Thursday, October 17, 2024

"Paths fraught with danger!"

In a perfect world one might expect voter participation in our rapidly approaching November 05, 2024 General/Presidential Election to be unfailingly restricted to and fully exercised by “all” eligible-to-vote U.S. citizens . . . each rationally casting fact-based votes with “overall” best interests of our precious country selflessly and uppermost in mind.

However, history attests that, in absence of such perfection, our elections will continue to include a mixed bag of human-rooted flaws and counterproductive behaviors. Such as: ignorance, apathy, complacency, denial, intimidation, greed, and corruption. As in turn candidates of all political parties continue to seek and/or retain positions of power and influence by promising an ever-growing array of so-called “free stuff.” Too often taking our country down paths fraught with danger.

Paths possibly best symbolized by the following scenario; one of questionable origin and for years accessible through an array of Internet sources and other media: The Life Cycle of a Democracy: A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It will continue until the voters discover they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. From that point on, the majority will always vote for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury. Eventually every democracy will collapse, due to loose fiscal policy, and be followed by a dictatorship. From the beginning, the greatest civilizations of the world have only lasted about 200 years, and have always progressed through the following sequence: From—1. Bondage to spiritual faith; 2. Spiritual faith to great courage; 3. Courage to liberty; 4. Liberty to abundance; 5. Abundance to complacency; 6. Complacency to apathy; 7. Apathy to dependence; 8. Dependence back to bondage.”

Regardless of origin, little mindful consideration is required to note some unsettling similarities of above scenario to various actual aspects of our country’s status and direction. Such as: an out of control $35 trillion national debt; agendas contributing to more and more “dependents” relying upon the government for every want and need; and elected representatives and government bureaucracies more focused on “staying in power,” “keeping their jobs,” and “promoting their personal interests and ideologies” . . . rather than addressing the best interests of our country as a whole.

And it is to our demise that we ever assume our past/present liberties and freedoms are “forever givens,” and forget that our exercise of such relies upon our truly special form of government. Not a “pure democracy,” which can result in mob-rule and tyranny-of-the-majority and where fifty-one percent could take away the rights of the other forty-nine . . . but rather, a first and to date one-of-its-kind “constitutional republic”! Governed by its citizens through three separate but equal branches of government: the legislative, executive, and judicial. Where, through the experience, insight, and great wisdom of our country’s founders, “sovereignty” deliberately rests with “we the people”! . . . That is, at least thus far it does?

                                                             —William James Moore   
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               Please Note: The "above" article was also published as a Public Mind article on page 6 of the 10/22/2024 Edition of local newspaper, the Parsons Sun. [To enlarge/access, "Click" on the "below" image]:

Tuesday, October 1, 2024


Consider if one will, that lined up on the World’s most consequential of airfields in final preparation for takeoff is a huge state-of-art aircraft, loaded with a uniquely diverse mix of passengers, destined for departure on a most crucial of trips, to a yet-to-be determined destiny, via a yet-to-be chosen and charted course, through unthinkingly turbulent weather forecasts and other uniquely challenging and unpredictable travel conditions. 

A truly one-of-its-kind aircraft with priceless life, liberty, and freedom accommodations available on no other aircraft on Earth.

And now, voter-qualified passengers must soon choose from “two” optional “candidate crews” who will assume the awesome responsibility for this aircraft’s rapidly approaching takeoff, ever-so-crucial flight, and ultimate safe landing!

The designated pilot of one “candidate crew” has no prior experience as official pilot of this unique aircraft, and therefore no experience piloting it through turbulent, unpredictable, and otherwise ever-so-crucial flight challenges; was only relatively recently-established, via relatively unique circumstances, as an official replacement for this crew’s original choice for this most critical pilot position; and has taken and continues to take very limited public access opportunities, especially those unscripted/impromptu, to share and support in relative detail and clarity her declared background, experience, and personally planned course and destination for this ever-so-crucial life, liberty, and freedom sustaining aircraft she now seeks to pilot.

The designated pilot of the other optional “candidate crew” has four years of prior experience in the actual pilot’s seat of this particular aircraft, during a not so long ago earlier flight; has demonstrated the ability to pilot this aircraft through exceptionally turbulent, unpredictable, and otherwise challenging of circumstances; has been again selected as this crew’s pilot via a long established passenger-wide primary election of participating voters; and has taken and continues to take many publicly accessible opportunities, including those unscripted/impromptu, to share and support with relative detail and clarity, his declared background, experience, and personally planned course and destination for this ever-so-crucial life, liberty, and freedom sustaining aircraft he once again seeks to pilot.

And, folks, “our” above referenced “mutually shared” aircraft will be departing on schedule on January 20, 2025 . . . with a pilot and crew “we” must now choose no later than November 05, 2024!

Yes, departing not only with a flight crew hopefully appropriately designated, but in any case, with “consequences” . . . some not only greatly profound, long-lasting, and rooted in our choices, but also likely irreversible. While in turn being a testament to the cautions and realities expressed through the following two quotations reportedly from not so long ago: 

“America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.” ―Abraham Lincoln (1809–1865), 16th U.S. President; and,

“Freedom is a fragile thing and is never more than one generation away from extinction—it is not ours by inheritance; it must be fought for and defended constantly by each generation, for it comes only once to a people. Those who have known freedom and then lost it have never known it again.” —Ronald Reagan (1911-2004), 40th U.S. President. 

                                                        —William James Moore    

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Please Note:  The "above" article was also published as a Public Mind article on page 4 of the 10/01/2024 Edition of local newspaper, the Parsons Sun.  [To enlarge/access, "Click" on the "below" image]:

Thursday, September 12, 2024


Yes, America’s many “Enemies Within” wear a mix of faces. None the least that of David Muir and Linsey Davis, so-called moderators of the “Three-against-Trump” Trump/Harris debate, on 09-10-2024 . . . two disgusting pieces of political activist shi# posing as news journalists; both under employment by and direction of Marxist/Communist infested ABC News!

And it is to the ultimate demise of “We the People” that we fail to recognize and responsibly confront the ever-so-existing reality that . . . ABC News and its in-kind politically-biased CBS, NBC, CNN, etc., anti-America peers are truly among America’s reprehensible “Enemies Within” . . . each and all unrelentingly hell-bent on the destruction of our ever-so-challenged and liberty-enabling Constitutional Republic!!! 

                                                                    ---William James Moore

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Why bother to vote?

Every four years our precious Constitutional Republic, the United States of America, holds an election for President; while Congressional elections occur every two years, and various state and local elections happen yearly. Although some rules vary, you’re typically eligible to vote if you’re a U.S. citizen, meet state residency requirements, register to vote, and are 18 years old on or before Election Day.

And as our country’s upcoming November 5, 2024 Presidential Election ever so rapidly approaches, history strongly suggests that the response thereto of “We the People” will again be a mixed bag of responsible and irresponsible behaviors.

Yes, many will do their best to become fact-based informed and cast rational votes, while the response of a number of others will be irrationally rooted in emotions, and/or otherwise influenced in large measure by ignorance, falsehoods, greed, intimidation, etc. In turn, a disheartening many caught up in the pitfalls of apathy and complacency will simply choose to not participate. As still others will for their respective reasons struggle with “why bother to vote at all.”

Of course, the reasons and importance of casting rational and informed fact-based votes are many. None the least being to ensure that “government power” is entrusted solely to truly trustworthy representatives of “We the People.” That is, placed in the hands of those faithfully dedicated to governing in accordance with our U.S. Constitution, and thereby protecting, preserving, and defending our precious republic, liberty, and freedoms.

Yes, by November 5, 2024, once again billions upon billions of dollars will have been spent, and untold campaign endeavors undertaken, in an unrelenting effort to, by way of our votes, determine who will until the next elections control the reins of “government power.” Power crucially affecting, but not limited to, that regarding: taxes; regulations; health care; food supply; transportation; infrastructure; banking; government agencies; investments; agriculture; energy; communications; environment; small/large business; government budgets/spending; national debt; foreign aid; wars; border security; immigration control; economic growth; inflation; interest rates; employment; unemployment; size/cost of government; crime control; justice system; educational institutions; elections integrity; and overall adherence to our U.S. Constitution; etc.

And, if by chance the above random examples fall a bit short of touching upon some meaningful reasons to not only vote, but to do so responsibly, then hopefully some serious pondering of the following three cautionary quotations reportedly from not so long ago will be of some aid: "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” --Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.; “Someone struggled for your right to vote. Use it.” --Susan B. Anthony; and, "The future of this republic is in the hands of the American voter.” --Dwight D. Eisenhower. 

                          —William James Moore, Parsons, KS 09/08/2024.

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"Click" on below image to access publication of above article in SE Kansas newspaper, the Parsons Sun:

Monday, September 9, 2024

America's Fentanyl Crisis!

America's Fentanyl Crisis . . . not only terribly sad, but (or should be) most alarming! 

It seems noteworthy that history is cluttered with how, not so long ago, Japan financed its military with drug money during World War II. Furthermore, after invading Manchuria in 1931, Japan reportedly turned much of northeast China into an opium plantation, then used the drug to subdue the population, and yes . . . used the profits to fund its military. 

Of course, in addition to the “supply” side of our present-day Fentanyl crisis, there exists the often disregarded “demand” factor. That is, our nation is not, for example, being cluttered with a life-threatening onslaught of “wheels for covered wagons,” . . . likely because there seems to not presently exist an unrelenting “demand” for such. 

And after all is said and done, or done and said . . . could just be that one day we may more responsibly grasp that there is likely no greatly successful “chemical/pill/etc. solution” for what may well be a “spiritual problem” long wrestled with by we flawed human beings.
                                                             ---William James Moore

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

"BRAZIL: A CAUTIONARY TALE" - (5 Minute Video) - A Much Recommended Watch!

And, "after" attentively watching this video . . . sleep ever-so-peacefully America! Because this could never, never, never, but never ever happen here in the good old USA!!! 

Likewise, never mind the 24/7 so-called mainstream media blitz spewing that "Trump is Evil" and "Harris (like Biden) is just out to save America's soul"! 

And, so-to-speak "if the shoe personally fits . . . while at it, continue to confidently bask in that good old self-destructive ignorance, apathy, complacency, denial, and counterproductive fear!  ---William James Moore.

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 "Click" on below link to a must-watch 5-Minute Video by PragerU, titled: "Brazil: A Cautionary Tale":

Additional Remarks: Just in case such was not obvious to some . . . "a bit" of satire was of course used in my herein introduction as a way of emphasizing a most serious message. ---William James Moore.

Saturday, August 24, 2024


YES . . . as the Marxist/Communist-infested Democrat Party Puppet-Masters unrelentingly strive to infest the People’s White House with “their” latest-designated puppets, Kamala Harris and Tim Walz . . . “We the People” must without fail, on November 5, 2024, elect President Trump and Vice-President Vance, along with a Republican-majority U.S. Congress (void of RINO’s) . . . and demand and personally support an unrelenting Pro-America/America-First/U.S. Constitution-driven agenda!

Or, in the plainest of words, we will have failed to responsibly recognize and support what is truly "Freedom's Last Hope" . . . and as a result, can kiss our self-destructive, ignorant, complacent, apathetic, greedy, denying, and fearful asses a shameful goodbye!

It has often been written that, at the close of the Constitutional Convention of 1787, a lady asked Benjamin Franklin, one of America’s Founding Fathers, “What have we got, a republic or a monarch?” Reportedly, his response was, “A republic if you can keep it.”

And history will duly record whether each generation of Americans will continue to be recipient of the torch of responsibility for a yet protected, preserved, and thriving “Constitutional Republic” . . . or, one day cursed with lost liberty in likeness to that of our World’s many failed and suffering nations. —William James Moore.

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“America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.” ―Abraham Lincoln (1809–1865), 16th U.S. President.

“Freedom is a fragile thing and is never more than one generation away from extinction—it is not ours by inheritance; it must be fought for and defended constantly by each generation, for it comes only once to a people. Those who have known freedom and then lost it have never known it again.” —Ronald Reagan (1911-2004), 40th U.S. President.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024


“Dear Facebook Radical-Left-Biased Algorithms,

Please accept my most sincere heart-felt gratitude for so timely and compassionately bringing to an end your 08/20/2024 “Restriction” of FB-selected functions of my FB Account!

Hence, bringing about much appreciated closure of punishment certainly due me for my reportedly failing to conform to “FB Community Standards,” i.e., by way of my most thoughtless attempt to copy and post as a comment my recent posting, titled "SNAPSHOTS FROM HISTORY WORTH SPECIAL PONDERING.”

Furthermore, please know that I am profoundly relieved and deeply comforted by unfailing awareness that . . . when old “politically-conservative/Pro-America/America-First” I again fall short of living up to FB Community Standards . . . you will again ever-so-swiftly take appropriate measures to protect the FB Community from my obviously human-flawed behavior. And considering utter darkness of my past history and my irredeemable nature, “silencing the Opposition” measures you likely will be called upon to again levy . . . much sooner than later.”
---William James Moore 08/21/2024

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(I also Posted the "above" on my Facebook Page, 08/21/2024.)