On November 05, 2024 President Trump was reportedly elected by way of an overwhelming majority of both U.S. Constitution-established “Electoral College Votes” as well as by Popular-Vote majority. Evidencing a voter-mandate not only for his Presidential leadership, but also for his very public and nation-wide campaign-promised “America-First/Make America Great Again (MAGA)” Agenda.
I am among the grateful millions who consider the above-stated to not only be an example of “Truth/Reality” . . . but also a golden and not to be waisted unique-opportunity to not only save our precious Liberty and Freedom enabling Republic, but also in many profound ways help make a better World overall. While many others consider such to be the onset of a dark age, etc., etc., etc.
Yes, it would seem that from the beginning of time there has been the World that “actually exists” (i.e., actual “Truth/Reality”) . . . and then there’s the World that we each as individuals and groups “perceive” to be.
All while efforts to make a better World have long encountered many obstacles. None the least the too often failure to responsibly grasp that:
(1.) we do not all “perceive” the World (i.e., our physical environment, other human beings, ourselves, etc.) the same way;
(2.) our individual and group “perceptions” of everything seen, heard, written, read, etc., don’t necessarily correspond to the actually existing “reality/truth”; and
(3.) our respective “perceptions” do nevertheless constitute what is to us “reality/truth” . . . that is, until something moves us to “perceive” otherwise!
Hence the ever-important need for not only appropriate tolerance of other views, but also commonsense response to threats to survival . . . especially given humankind’s ages-old struggle between “good and evil.”
—William James Moore (the above being gratefully and respectfully inspired by a related posting by a very cherished friend, BGH).
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“Some people see the glass half full. Others see it half empty. I see a glass that’s twice as big as it needs to be.” —George Carlin (1937-2008)
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