Monday, February 17, 2025



"We do hereby authorize President Trump and his Elon Musk led DOGE Team to audit for, publicly expose, and pursue due accountability for, any and all waste, fraud, and abuse of our tax dollars received and used by any and all aspects of our U.S. Government."

Most Sincerely,

WJ & CA Moore
Taxpaying U.S. Citizens

Sunday, February 9, 2025


On November 05, 2024 President Trump was reportedly elected by way of an overwhelming majority of both U.S. Constitution-established “Electoral College Votes” as well as by Popular-Vote majority. Evidencing a voter-mandate not only for his Presidential leadership, but also for his very public and nation-wide campaign-promised “America-First/Make America Great Again (MAGA)” Agenda.

I am among the grateful millions who consider the above-stated to not only be an example of “Truth/Reality” . . . but also a golden and not to be waisted unique-opportunity to not only save our precious Liberty and Freedom enabling Republic, but also in many profound ways help make a better World overall. While many others consider such to be the onset of a dark age, etc., etc., etc.

Yes, it would seem that from the beginning of time there has been the World that “actually exists” (i.e., actual “Truth/Reality”) . . . and then there’s the World that we each as individuals and groups “perceive” to be.

All while efforts to make a better World have long encountered many obstacles. None the least the too often failure to responsibly grasp that:

(1.) we do not all “perceive” the World (i.e., our physical environment, other human beings, ourselves, etc.) the same way;

(2.) our individual and group “perceptions” of everything seen, heard, written, read, etc., don’t necessarily correspond to the actually existing “reality/truth”; and

(3.) our respective “perceptions” do nevertheless constitute what is to us “reality/truth” . . . that is, until something moves us to “perceive” otherwise!

Hence the ever-important need for not only appropriate tolerance of other views, but also commonsense response to threats to survival . . . especially given humankind’s ages-old struggle between “good and evil.”

—William James Moore (the above being gratefully and respectfully inspired by a related posting by a very cherished friend, BGH).

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“Some people see the glass half full. Others see it half empty. I see a glass that’s twice as big as it needs to be.”                                                                                       —George Carlin (1937-2008)

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"Click" on below Link to access U.S. Presidential Actions:

Monday, January 13, 2025


It is by far not a revelation, nor does it rank as a newsflash, that wildfires are a serious threat in many places. None the least, California, where the threat is not only serious but also constant, especially during the dry Santa Ana wind season. Where such winds, combined with high temperatures and dry vegetation, create the perfect storm for flames to spread quickly. “Long Known” and “Historically Proven” Conditions . . . existing for many thousands of years!

And yet, in the so-called most powerful country on Earth, the source of truly mind-boggling technological achievements, etc., etc., etc., . . . California continues to suffer death and destruction from uncontrolled/out-of-control wildfires!

Yes, the same California that continues to dedicate untold tax dollars and other resources to creating a sanctuary for illegal aliens, and for an array of save the Planet Earth and endangered fish endeavors, etc., . . . while the state repeatedly suffers death and destruction from uncontrolled/out-of-control wildfires!

Yes, in the same America that dedicates untold tax dollars and other resources to aid many other countries around the globe in their respective struggles against threats of nature and human sources . . . as, for example, California repeatedly suffers death and destruction from uncontrolled/out-of-control wildfires!

Which leads some among us to ponder that there seems to so-to-speak really be something drastically wrong with this picture! As various foes of our country are in turn possibly thinking that a few “kitchen matches” may be all they actually need in their conquer/destroy America arsenal . . . that is, in lieu of all that costly and complicated weaponry they have to date struggled and sacrificed to develop and maintain!

On the other hand, it just might be that California’s wildfire threat, and other challenges, will one day soon be solved by obviously tried-and-proven folks like their Governor Gavin Newson, U.S. Senator Adam Schiff, U.S. Representative, Nancy Pelosi, and Los Angeles Mayor, Karen Bass, etc. Along with a duly expedited California effort to ensure that all positions of power and responsibility within the state are unfailingly filled with folks selected strictly on the basis of DEI criteria. As in turn those demonstrating commonsense, relevant qualifications, verified ability, essential performance, etc., are swiftly purged, silenced, and duly scorned. 
                                                       ---William James Moore


Monday, January 6, 2025

Super Bowl 2025 — "Recommended Use of Profits Therefrom"

As recently reported via various media, Super Bowl 2025, “the biggest game of the year,” will take place in New Orleans, Louisiana on February 9, 2025.

And as an aid to the ownership and players of the two ultimately competing teams regarding what to do with their respective profits therefrom, here’s a most sincere and otherwise serious recommendation . . . “appropriately distribute one-half thereof to the victims of the horrific terror attack carried out in New Orleans on January 01, 2025 (i.e., to those injured and families of those killed).”

In turn, place the remaining one-half of such profits in an appropriately managed interest-earning trust to support appropriate aid to future victims of subsequent terror attacks on U.S. soil.  
For, most sadly, history attests that such a need will ever so likely again materialize.   As the consequence of indisputably “the longest lasting battle on Earth” . . . that of course being the often unspeakably painful and otherwise reprehensibly costly ages-old struggle between the human-staffed teams of “Good” and “Evil.”

                                            —William James Moore     01/06/2025

Sunday, January 5, 2025


Most unfortunately---not only for America but also for much of our ever-so-troubled and awesomely challenged World---"President-Elect Trump" and his "Save-America/America-First/Make-America-Great-Again (MAGA) agenda" do not occupy the people's White House until January 20, 2025!!!

In the meantime, the last-day’s agenda of the so-called Biden Administration has prioritized an aggressive handing out of a long listing of "Presidential Medal of Freedom Awards" and "Presidential Pardons"!

Oh yes, "Presidential Pardons" that of course include his son, Hunter, and once prestigious "Presidential Medal of Freedom Awards" that of course now even include “Epitomes of Evil” recipients such as George Soros and Hillary Clinton, and “Otherwise Despicables” such as RINO Liz Cheney, etc.!!!

Yes, it was not enough to spend the past four years flooding our country with millions upon millions of Illegal Aliens; enabling horrific wars and terrorism via failed and irresponsible Biden Administration policies; unleashing Federal Government powers in unrelenting efforts to destroy “all things Trump”; crippling our U.S. economy; spewing hate, discontent, and division nationwide while indoctrinating our nation’s youth with anti-America propaganda; etc.; etc.; etc.!!!

Oh yes, the Communist/Marxist-infested Puppet Masters of so-called Biden Administration have in turn chosen to use---at taxpayers expense---the crucial timeframe between 11/05/2024 and 01/20/2025 to road-block President-elect Trump’s MAGA agenda, as they blatantly wave their middle finger and proceed to, as the saying goes, “Burn-It-Down” on their way out . . . with no consequences for their crimes and otherwise reprehensible behavior!!!

Oh yes!!! . . . the exit of Joe, the Biden Crime Family’s “Big Guy,” along with his power-lusting Puppet Masters, and arrival of "MAGA" President Trump on January 20, 2025, cannot come soon enough!!!

                                          ---William James Moore 01/05/2025