Monday, December 24, 2018

"America's Lunacy Wagon"

There is of course much good in the world. That which is truly worthy of our gratitude and efforts to support and add thereto. There is also much that is not right. That which justifies our concern and responsible attention. Such as, the failure of our U.S. Congress to timely fund construction of a security wall across our nation’s historically-proven to be vulnerable southern border. As same Congress continues to obligate billions upon billions of taxpayer dollars to the care and otherwise handling of the countless illegal aliens that flow into our already dangerously in-debt and liberty-threatened country.

Now, I and likeminded others could choose to spend our truly-uncertain share of the blessing of “life,” on ways that possibly could more constructively communicate concern and contempt for our government’s irresponsible behavior. Such as: overwhelming the private and public phones, snail-mail boxes, and e-mail files, of our elected “servants of the people” with voice messages, text messages, and letters of protest. Say nothing about other approaches often used by some to air their respective grievances, such as: public marches, boycotts, disruption of traffic, public harassments, destruction of the business/private property of others, etc.

However, it is much more likely that I and likeminded others will continue to spend precious time using social media platforms and Internet websites, etc., to vent frustrations shared personally and by countless others. And, in so doing, contribute to the wealth and otherwise welfare of the creators, owners, and investors of Facebook, Google, and Twitter, etc. As the same extremely liberal-entrenched businesses use their complex algorithm technologies to control who (if any) actually have access to our expressed concerns, as well as when, in what format, and for what end-purpose.

And so, “America’s Lunacy Wagon” moves on! Pulled by horses named Ignorance, Apathy, Complacency, Denial, Greed, and Fear. With the horses’ reins in ever-tightening control of a sinister wagoner (driver) named Deep-State, and support wagoner named Fake-News. While rapidly approaching a crucial fork in the road—with one path leading to the Preservation of Liberty; the other to the Abyss of Tyranny. A wagon of lunacy often overloaded with a mix of politicians and other willful or otherwise travelers, and too often occupied by me and likeminded others. Each nevertheless craving to in some way make or contribute to a meaningful difference.   –William James Moore

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“I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do something that I can do.” —Helen Keller (1880-1968), American author, political activist and lecturer, and first deafblind person to earn a Bachelor of Arts degree.

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Footnote:  An edited version of above article was published in our local newspaper, the Parsons Sun, in the Public Mind section on page 4 of the Saturday-Sunday, Jan. 5-6, 2019 edition.

Monday, December 17, 2018

"Our U.S. Constitutional Republic"

The Pledge of Allegiance: “I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands. One nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

There is sound reason why our United States Pledge of Allegiance refers to our country as a Republic and why our Declaration of Independence and Constitution do not mention the word democracy.

Our country’s founders were very aware of the failures of prior democracies, such as ancient Athens and Rome. They feared creating a government having too many similarities to a pure democracy. They especially recognized the importance of ensuring the right of political dissent and protecting minority groups and individuals from the tyranny of the majority. They knew that a pure democracy could result in mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people could take away the rights of the other forty-nine. Through their experience, insight, and great wisdom, they put in place a one-of-its-kind constitutional republic—not a pure democracy.

In so doing they passed to us a very special form of government where sovereignty deliberately rests with we the people. Where we may act on our own or through our elected representatives to deal with issues, where our government is a servant of its people—where our government’s power comes from and is limited by its citizens. That is, until we further screw-it-up by irresponsibly continuing to give up our U.S. citizens’ Constitution-guaranteed power to an ever-growing government loaded with self-serving, self-perpetuating, power and influence craving officials!

Our Constitutional Republic does include some likeness to a democracy, such as our use of democratic processes to elect our representatives, pass new laws, etc. But, as opposed to a democracy, our U.S. Constitution limits our government’s power and spells out how our government is to be structured. As a result, our Constitutional Republic is divided into three separate but equal branches of government. The Executive (Presidency), Legislative (Congress), and Judicial (Courts). Our Constitution establishes that no branch has absolute power, therefore providing special checks and balances on our government system and protection for the rule of law.

Our Constitution is the life-blood of our Constitutional Republic. The foundation of this land of unequaled opportunity; best hope for mankind; and envy of countless peoples deprived of and seeking liberty. A liberty for which much sacrifice has been made by so many, and for which limitless measures must always be taken to defend, protect, and preserve!

It is also to our peril that we forget that any nation is defined by its borders, common-language, and common culture. And, ever present are foreign and domestic forces that are dedicated to the destruction of our U.S. border security, our U.S. common-language English, and our U.S. common-culture founded on Judeo-Christian values.

“We the people” must forever be most watchful and have zero-tolerance for any political leader, or branch of government, that demonstrates lack of respect for our U.S. Constitution or the government-system of checks and balances and rule of law it establishes! Or, fails to respect, protect, and defend our U.S. borders, common-language English, and common-culture founded on Judeo-Christian values.

Should we fail to do so, world-history shows that certain to follow will be tyranny and dictatorship, soon accompanied by loss of liberty/freedom and risk to survival! These are of course not words of exaggeration, nor of unjustified concern. But, rather, are a sincere expression of historically demonstrated facts-of-life.

                                                           --- William James Moore

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"A [pure] democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine." —Thomas Jefferson

Thursday, December 13, 2018

A Personal Message To U.S. Representative-Elect, "Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez"

With all due respect, you are beyond any reasonable doubt a most irresponsible, self-absorbed, sanity-challenged, history/economic systems-ignorant individual. And, most unnervingly, one who has recently been elected to the U.S. House of Representatives, by New York 14th congressional district voters who obviously warrant serious sanity-evaluation themselves!

Enabled by likewise irresponsible ratings and agenda driven news media, you continue to publicly demonstrate just how big a joke you truly are! As you spew your so-called democrat-socialist plans and proposals for curing every ill your clueless mind and radically-left supporters perceive our nation to have. Socialist/Communist-based plans and proposals that would entail countless trillions of dollars of funding—as you bask in total personal ignorance of what socialism and communism actual entail, and void of any practical understanding of just how vast one trillion of anything actually is! A personal ignorance supplemented by a truly dangerous lack of even the most basic understanding of our U.S. Constitution, three branches of government, and other foundation blocks of our precious Constitutional Republic! 

Somewhere behind your seemingly fixed wide-eyed, deer-in-the-headlights, expression, there likely is a grossly immature resemblance of a brain that is saying, “I (Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez) really, really, really, don’t have the slightest clue what I am doing, and, even more so, I can’t believe there are so many misguided fools out there that actually believe that I do!” 

Therefore, after giving timely consideration to the above most generous factual-assessment of your grossly lacking unpreparedness to responsibly carry out the duties of any position within our U.S. government, it is expected that you will immediately resign the U.S. House of Representatives seat that obviously out-of-touch voters awarded you during our recent 2018 mid-term elections. That is, if you can dig up but a trace of commonsense, responsibility, decency, and concern for our country and the wellbeing of present and future generations of Americans. None the least, the already stretched and overcommitted present and future U.S. taxpayers. Those whom you so frivolously keep assuming will somehow be able to come up with the countless “trillions of dollars” that would be needed to fund your ill-conceived, nation-destructive, liberty-threatening, socialist/communist agendas!

And, as you hopefully and responsibly choose to forgo your unprepared and ill-conceived political aspirations, may I suggest that you spend a bit of quality time reading, for example, the below referenced little book, titled, “Our” U.S. National Debt—101. A long past due effort on your part that should help enlighten you to just how grossly ignorant you are about what even “one” trillion dollars entails, say nothing about the beyond comprehension of the already existing burden of our nation’s out of control $21 Trillion National Debt!      —William James Moore

Link to: “Our” U.S. National Debt—101: A shameful Liberty-Threatening Legacy Being Passed To America’s Young Children, Grandchildren, & The Not Yet Born

Thursday, December 6, 2018

The Many Faces of Our Nation's "Enemies Within"

Our country’s “Enemies Within” come with many faces. None the least, our taxpayer-funded far-left contaminated education system—at “all” levels!

Yes, while too many of us for too many years have been irresponsibly “asleep at the switch,” the Progressives (radical-liberal left) have infiltrated and entrenched themselves in our nationwide public education system and throughout various aspects of our local, state, and federal government. And, as we have continued to cave in to demands for more and more education funding “for the sake of the children,” our nation’s youth have been, and continue to be, indoctrinated with the anti-U.S. propaganda and other liberty-threating venom of the radical-liberal left! While alarmingly, no longer taught the fundamentals of American history, government, and economics.

As a result, today many of our young people lack due respect for our country’s founding principles of liberty and time-honored traditions, and object to our free-market system of government. Young people to whom the responsibility for our nation will ultimately be passed, now dangerously unaware of and detached from the heroism and sacrifice entailed in our nation’s heritage.

For example, according to a Hillsdale College reporting, a 2016 Harvard poll showed that some “51 percent” of young Americans opposed capitalism, and a 2017 YouGov poll found that “44 percent” of millennials (born: 1981-1996) would prefer to live in a Socialist country in lieu of a capitalist one.

All of which might seem to be no big deal, unless, for example, you grasp that age 77 Independent-Party Bernie Sanders who came close to being the 2016 Democrat presidential nominee, was at the time and remains extremely popular among many of our nation’s youth. As is 29 year old political-activist Democratic-Party Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez who, in 2018, unseated top Democrat Joe Crawley by winning the U.S. Representative seat for New York’s 14th congressional district. With both Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez deeply consumed with and fanatically pushing for socialist/communist programs that would entail untold trillions of additional tax dollars—in a U.S. already struggling to deal with a rapidly growing existing National Debt of more than $21 trillion!

Starting with what we do in the voting booths of our local, state, and federal elections, we U.S. citizens had better very timely pay close attention to, and responsibly confront, what is happing in and to our America!

For, our nation, liberty, freedom, and ultimate survival cannot continue to withstand: (1.) losing a generation of young Americans to the radical-liberal left; (2.) toleration of a FBI and other “Deep State” actors criminally attempting to dictate who our U.S. Presidents are, and are not; (3.) letting illegal aliens disrespect and over-run our borders and tap into our taxpayer-funded public treasury; (4.) condoning the radical-liberal left’s contamination of our public education system and indoctrination of our nation’s youth with their anti-America ideology; (5) a politically-biased mainstream news media hell-bent to deny and/or distort truth and reality, and to enable anti-America agendas; and (6.) a “we the people” consumed with ignorance, apathy, complacency, denial, greed, and counter-productive fear, concerning the “reality” taking place around us! The ultimately inescapable “reality” of the widespread foreign and domestic threats to our U.S. constitution; borders; common-language English; and common-culture founded on Judeo-Christian values.

“Our” America is not in need of those who strive to “transform” it into a likeness of the World’s many failed and failing nations. Much to the contrary, in critical demand are those capable and willing to protect, defend, and preserve it, and our precious liberty and freedom enabled by it—for present and future generations of Americans! Americans not educated, indoctrinated, and propagandized by radical-liberal ideology and agendas. But, Americans rightfully and truthfully taught about our country’s history and uniqueness, and as a result, proud and grateful for the wisdom, heroism, and sacrifice entailed in our nation’s magnificent and unequalled heritage—in humankind’s best hope for realizing the inalienable (God-given) rights to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness!     —William James Moore

Saturday, December 1, 2018

Climate Change / Global Warming . . . "Another side of the story"

The Wednesday, November 28, 2018 edition of our local newspaper, the Parsons Sun, included a front-page article titled, “Report: Climate change to impact ag, infrastructure and health of Kansans.” The following is not meant to be a critique or endorsement of said article, but rather to offer a constructive and otherwise appropriate related point of view. By way of “another side” of the “Climate Change” story that, as a Public Mind submission by the undersigned, has been provided to (but to date not yet published by) the Parsons Sun.                                                  William James Moore   12/01/2018

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"Another side of the story":

Reportedly: The Planet Earth is about 4.5 billion years old; the earliest fossil evidence of modern human existence, along with stone tools, date to about 300,000 years ago; World industrialization started in Western Europe in the late 1700s and early 1800s; the first considered safe and practical oil engine was developed in 1873 (about 146 years ago); in the remote past, Kansas was covered by seas; and people first came to Kansas some 11,000 to 12,000 years ago, during the last of the most recent Ice Ages.

And, although Kansas was reportedly not glaciated (covered with glaciers/sheets of ice) at that time, the climate was cooler and less seasonal than today, and huge animals such as mammoth and mastodon roamed the area until a gradual “warming trend” brought an end to our most recent Ice Age, and mass extinctions occurred—“around 10,000 years ago.” Long, long before we mere humans fired up our gasoline engines, coal-fired furnaces; and other fossil fuel burning, carbon dioxide emitting, technologies.

And, long, long, before we started putting concern about our so-called “carbon footprint,” and our delusional-craving to control our 4.5 billion year old Planet Earth’s ever-changing climate, ahead of other likely more pressing matters. Such as: the safety of our schools, places of worship, and other areas of public assembly, from murderous atrocities; our nation’s ever-spreading addictive drugs epidemic; the safety and security of our nuclear-powered electric plants and electrical power grids; control of nuclear weapons, both foreign and domestic; security of our U.S. borders; U.S.-beneficial immigration control; and “our” rapidly growing $21 trillion National Debt; etc.

Human serenity and survival seems to ultimately rely heavily upon our ability and willingness to accept the things we cannot change, courage to change the things we can, and wisdom to know the difference. A perspective likely important to keep in mind, as we try our best to wade through and responsibly deal with the smothering load of past, present, and future information about our Planet Earth’s ever-changing climate. A climate that reportedly has, over billions of years, so far included some five “Ice Age” cycles—without the aid of we mere humans.

And, when faced with “Global Warming”/“Climate Change” related warnings, predictions, government-mandates, etc., especially those that don’t seem to satisfy the common sense test, it is likely especially important that we "identify and critique the source,” and also, as they say—“follow the money.”

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As cautioned by James Madison (1751-1836) many years ago, “Knowledge will forever govern ignorance, and a people who mean to be their own Governors, must arm themselves with the power knowledge gives.”

—William James Moore