Thursday, November 23, 2017

U.S. Patriotism: "Once Upon a Time" versus "Now"

In our today’s World, YouTube is of course among the many sources of vast and easily accessible information on virtually every conceivable subject.  Information either considered worthwhile, or otherwise, dependent upon one’s respective views.  As such, on the ever-growing list of the very worthwhile clearly belongs the rendition of our USA National Anthem viewable at the following link:   (Also accessible by clicking the picture of U.S. Flag located on the right-hand side of this webpage.)

Performed by Whitney Houston at Super Bowl XXV in 1991, this truly talented and respectful rendition, along with the patriotic behavior of the Super Bowl crowd and other attendees, provides a much needed reflection upon what was “Once Upon a Time” versus “Now”.  And, should serve as a serious wake-up call. Especially to those now participating in and contributing to the gross and inexcusable disrespect of our U.S. Flag and National Anthem at NFL events and elsewhere.  A reminder that they should get off their knees, and elsewhere on their own time, find a positive, constructive, and otherwise nation-healing way to air their concerns.  As they, the relatively privileged, are blessed to be often paid millions to “play” a game on artificial grass, while wearing high-tech protective gear, and covered by the best medical attention money can buy.  As their freedom to do so is protected and preserved by less-privileged others who are often called upon to make the ultimate sacrifice.

But, what happened between “then” and “now”?  A lot of course. None the least, eight years under a federal government administration that preached; promoted; encouraged; legislated; and by way of executive privilege, established: division (us vs them; them vs us), racism, victimization, dependency, gender-neutralism; open-borders, anti-patriotism, political correctness (disregard of the truth); sanctuary cities/states (safe harbors for illegal aliens); etc.  A nation-destructive affliction enabled by a radically-liberal biased news media that to date chooses to carry on the same anti-America agenda.                
                                                                  —William James Moore

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

“Abuse of Power” enabled by more “Abuse of Power”

History supports that “abuse of power” is an age-old human condition. With people, animals and other life forms, and the environment, being among the many victims. Casualties of an array of abuses (e.g., physical, psychological, sexual, economic, human rights, etc.). Carried out at times by perpetrators in virtually every aspect of human society (e.g., families; government; news media; social media; religious institutions; educational institutions; law enforcement; medical practice/institutions; financial and charitable institutions; sports and entertainment; business; labor; criminal elements; terrorists, etc.).

History also shows that timely reporting and lawfully-just handling of “abuses of power” are much too often seriously impeded by further—“abuses of power.” A truly sad reality that may be undergoing long awaited change in the U.S., as evidenced by the recent dramatic increase in public accusations of sexual-related abuses in government, business, sports, entertainment, etc. Captivating (at least for the moment) a likewise dramatic increase in news reporting and national attention. Time will tell if this notable trend signals and ultimately renders a long past due, lawfully-just, and otherwise constructive outcome.

As will time also reveal the consequences of our willingness or unwillingness to:

(1.) Demand immediate discontinuance and public accounting of the recently revealed special fund, from which over 17 million U.S. taxpayer dollars have reportedly been paid out in some 268 sexual-harassment and other discrimination settlements within the federal government over the past 20 years;

(2.) Demand immediate repeal of the Freedom of Information Act “exemption” that our U.S. “servants of the people” have reportedly put in place to preclude public disclosure of pertinent information about above referenced taxpayer-funded settlements. Accompanied by immediate (prior to YR 2018 elections) public accounting regarding who received how much, when, and as the result of the accused/actual abuse of power by whom?);

(3.) Apply and support nation-wide respect for the rights of both the accuser and the accused, including “presumption of innocence” until lawfully proven otherwise. Lest the rights and protection of our U.S. Constitution be disregarded and replaced by mob-rule driven by the absence of clear distinction between an accusation and a lawfully-proven truth;

(4.) Meaningfully grasp the relevance and importance of the following very applicable quotes of James Madison (4th U.S. President and a U.S. Founding Father): “Knowledge will forever govern ignorance, and a people who mean to be their own Governors, must arm themselves with the power knowledge gives,” and, “Liberty may be endangered by the abuse of liberty, but also by the abuse of power.”                        

                                                              —William James Moore

Monday, November 6, 2017

“People-caused Tragedies” versus “Wishful Blaming of Things”

 What to some may seem like only yesterday, on October 01, 2017 a shooting massacre in Las Vegas took the lives of at least 59 and injured hundreds of others. And as many struggle to cope with, or strive to erase recall of, that horrific tragedy, we are provided with continuing evidence that truly despicable evil exists in the hearts and minds of some among us. Such as, the radical Islamic terrorist that used a truck to kill at least 8 and injure many others in New York City on October 31. And, more recently, the killer that used a gun to massacre at least 26 and wound some 20 others in a rural Texas church on November 5 (a tragedy that could have been worse had not a local resident been willing and able to use his personal gun to confront the killer). As truly terrible that these within-our-borders tragedies are, such are but a relative few of the countless carried out worldwide, past, present. And, no words can fittingly communicate the heinous nature of such barbaric assaults against humankind, nor relate the resulting pain, suffering, and other associated trauma.

Many among us strive and struggle to understand “why” anyone is capable of and chooses to carry out such unspeakable acts. Nonetheless, it just possibly might be a natural blessing that most of us continue to be frustrated by our failure to grasp such understanding. For, to truly understand such unspeakable behaviors would seem to require being able to make sense out of that which truly makes no sense. An understanding that might well ultimately require a heart and mind in dangerous likeness to those who harbor and carry out the very despicable evils that we are puzzled and threatened by. Hence, maybe a more realistic response to such evil would be to accept that it does exist; that some among us will attempt or succeed in carrying out acts of evil; and therefore take realistic steps to prevent and defend against such. Beginning with a discontinuance of efforts to disarm law abiding citizens and otherwise restrict our rights and ability to defend ourselves. And, by also ceasing to pretend that such acts of evil are harbored, planned, and executed by “things” (guns, knives, cars, trucks, aircraft, explosives, fertilizer, etc.), rather than by unhinged “people”.

Likewise, in realistically focusing on “evil’s reality” and “people behavior” versus “things”—possibly we, the mainstream media, and our government representatives and leaders, can soon, rather than too late, include a fitting level of responsible attention to our nation-wide and rapidly growing “addictive drugs” epidemic. For, “people” abusing opioids and other legal and illegal addictive drugs now represent the leading cause of injury related death in the United States. Exceeding injury related deaths from use of cars and guns. For example, since 2002, over 500,000 people in the U.S. have died from drug overdoses. An average of over 35,000 per year. About 1 drug overdose death every 15 minutes! And, it is a rapidly growing reality that someone in each of our respective families has been or will be touched by the devastation of drug abuse, dependency, and addiction. Or that our families know of someone who has, or likely will be!               

                                                            —William James Moore